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Child Support & College Costs Attorneys

Serving Cook, Will, Du Page & Lake Counties

A question many clients deciding on child support ask is, “What about college?” This question is relevant whether the child is a toddler or a high school student ready for college.

Chicago Area Non-Minor Support Lawyer

Setting contributions for college costs can be a real challenge, because there are many variables. First, not every child goes on to college. Second, grown children in many families are expected to pay their own way. Third, college costs vary tremendously — so how do you make the necessary calculation?

Many parents believe that paying for college should be an option, but not mandatory, with noncustodial parents often reluctant to pay for college expenses. So negotiating educational expenses, even after the child has passed the age of majority, is a major conflict for many families.

Illinois law allows courts to make provisions for the educational expenses of a child, regardless of whether the child is a minor or non-minor. Courts often enforce the payment of college costs, even when the agreements are vague.

Calculating Costs for Non-Minor Children

Calculating financial support for non-minor children going to college includes a host of direct and indirect expenses including but not limited to:

~Room and board
~Living expenses

At The Walters Law Group, Ltd., we counsel clients on future educational costs as part of the child support process or as a modification to the original support order, within the guidelines of Illinois child support.

We work on both sides of the topic: securing a commitment to paying for college, and also disputing the terms of such a request.

Ideally, a college plan calls for these expenses to be divided between the two parents.

If you need help drawing up a plan for paying college costs of your non-minor child, we welcome your call. Contact The Walters Law Group, Ltd., at 708-361-9700 or email us using this online form.